Thursday, January 23, 2014

From a Single Seed Grew a Big Idea!

       My name is Allie. In 2011 when I was 6 I told my mom I wanted to have a lemonade stand during our neighborhood rummage sale. She was not excited about this idea. She told me to think of something else to sell, and plan ahead for next year.
        In the beginning of March of 2013 we planted seeds inside to sprout for our garden in the spring. Because of our weather in South Dakota, we start plants indoors and plant them outside in late April, or early May once the last frost is gone. I like planting seeds, and so my mom and I decided that I would plant extra tomato and marigold seeds to sell in a plant stand during the neighborhood rummage.
      I grew an awesome batch of tomato plants, and marigolds that sold really well to those visiting our busy neighborhood rummage sales. I made a profit nice and donated money to a charity.
     I had so much fun growing and selling that I knew I wanted to do it again the next year, but this time I wanted my friends to have fun too.  So the idea was born in April 2013 that I would do this with my classmates and friends at school the following year.
    I took my extra plants to school that year in 2013 and gave them to my teachers and classmates and taught them how to take care of tomato plants and how to grow them from seeds.
I then shared my idea for 2014.
The idea:
To have kids grow tomato plants and flowers in their classrooms to learn about growing and sustainability.
To have a hands on business experience where we make a product to sell and sell it.
To raise money for a local green causes that the kids who work on growing and selling get to choose what percentage is donated by vote.
To learn about local green businesses and what they do. 
Who is involved:
Local businesses who donate materials such as soil, seeds, and growing trays. Our local farmers market who is opening up a space and letting us sell. Local gardeners who volunteer their time to teach students about growing. Hood Magazine who will advertise the sales event and create awareness for the cause. Local green businesses who will educate students on their causes in order to get a percentage of money raised and to grow awareness for their efforts. Parents, teachers, students, friends, neighbors, the general public who visit the farmer's market.

Stay Tuned for future developments and updates for the Kids Grow Green Project.

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